Our physical location (use this address in your gps):
8127 Chippewa Hwy. (US 31), Bear Lake, MI 49614.
If coming from the North:
Follow US 31 south through Bear Lake. We will be four miles south of Bear Lake on your left-hand (East) side.
If coming from the South:
Follow US 31 north. We are 12 miles north of the drawbridge in downtown Manistee (10 miles north of M55/US 31 intersection), on your right-hand (East) side.
If coming from M22 in Onekama:
Go to the East end of Portage Lake where M22 intersects 8 Mile Road. Take 8 Mile Road East 1 1/4 mile to the first stop sign where it will intersect with US 31. We will be on the North-east corner of that intersection.
For general inquiries and further information, please contact us:
8127 Chippewa Hwy (US 31)
Bear Lake, Mi 49614
Tel: 231-889-4281
Email: info@alpinemotorlodge.com